400字范文 > 充满无奈的文案 触动内心 适合夜晚一个人看

充满无奈的文案 触动内心 适合夜晚一个人看

时间:2023-07-05 03:34:41


充满无奈的文案 触动内心 适合夜晚一个人看


Those who try their best to make her laugh, after all, can be compared with those who laugh at the sight of her. Some people just stand there and have won, but you can only lose

软绵绵如无骨的雏菊 我在别人眼中冷若冰霜 我才发现我似乎只给你一个人低过头

Soft as a boneless Daisy, Im as cold as ice in other peoples eyes, I found that I seem to only give you a person low head

我想和你走到最后 如果有什么事情让你觉得我不想坚持 那么就一定是我让你误解了告诉我 我解释

I want to come to the end with you. If there is anything that makes you feel that I don want to insist, then it must be that I misunderstood you. Tell me and I will explain that I will always be firm

当他做错事时只会说对不起 你不原谅他 他就觉得你无理取闹 然后又对你说他很累

When he does something wrong, he just says hes sorry. If you don forgive him, he thinks you e unreasonable and then tells you hes tired

说谎啦我还是会不高兴 还是会伤心 或会哭鼻子 还是会睡不着 我没有你想象的那么坚强

Lie, I will not be happy or sad or cry, or I will not sleep. I am not as strong as you think

我没忘记的人 也没有很难忘的事 过去的事 我也不会再提 我只想跟我交往的女孩顺顺利利就行了

Those people I haven forgotten have no unforgettable things, and I won mention the past. I just want the girl Im dating to be Shun Shun Li

这句话太长了,我知道你不会再回头 可能真的放下你那一天就是你回来的时候

This sentence is too long, I know you will not look back, may really put you down that day is when you come back


Soon after, the next person appeared, you should forget me


Flowers don bloom for flowers, but I come for you
