400字范文 > 小学生介绍我的家庭 小学生介绍我的家庭的英语作文

小学生介绍我的家庭 小学生介绍我的家庭的英语作文

时间:2022-02-01 18:56:04


小学生介绍我的家庭 小学生介绍我的家庭的英语作文








As a primary school student, I would like to introduce my lovely family to you. My family may not be the richest or the most famous, but it is filled with love and warmth.

First, let me introduce my parents. My father is a dentist and my mother is a teacher. They are both very loving and kind. My father is always busy at work, but he never forgets to spend quality time with my family. On the other hand, my mother is very patient and always willing to help me with my homework. They both work very hard to provide a good life for our family.

Now, let me introduce my siblings. I have an older sister and a younger brother. My sister is a college student and is studying to become a doctor. She is very smart and always helps me with my studies. My younger brother is a kindergartener and is always full of energy. He loves playing with toys and watching cartoons.

As a family, we enjoy spending time together. We often go on family trips during holidays and weekends. We go to the beach or go camping in the mountains. We also love to cook and try new recipes together. My mother is a great cook, and she often teaches us how to make our favorite dishes.

Our home is a warm and cozy place. We have a big living room where we watch TV and spend quality time together. We also have a backyard where we play and spend time with our dog, Lucky. Lucky is our family dog, and he is very playful and loving.
