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英文商城网站模板 外贸商城网站模板

时间:2019-10-29 12:11:10


英文商城网站模板 外贸商城网站模板

摘抄自《英语简短会话1000例》字幕之五:90. How wide is this bridge? 这座桥有多宽?/—20 meters. 20米。91. Do they sell notebooks at that store? 那家商店卖笔记本吗?/—l have seen notebooks there before. 我以前在那里见过笔记本。92. I'm not in favor of such a plan. 我不赞成这样的计划。/—He is a tour guide. He knows the route. 他是导游,他知道路线。93. Could you do me a favor?能请你帮个忙吗?/—Of course. 当然了。94. Where can I find a supermarket? 哪里有超市?/—Just around the corner. 就在拐角处。95. He has a radio, doesn't he? 他有一台收音机,对不?/—No, he doesn't have one. 不,他没有。96. Our project failed. 我们的项目失败了/—Next time we should work best as a team.下一次我们会做得更好。97. How are you? 你好吗?/—I'm fine, thank you. And you? 我很好,谢谢。你呢?98. Do you think it fits OK? 你觉得它合适吗?/—Yes. It looks terrfic! 是的,棒极了!

99. Should l go to her soccer game?你应该去看她的足球比赛吗?/—You can go if you want to. 如果你想去,你可以去。100. I'm too busy. 我太忙了/—Maybe we can go next week. 或许我们下周可以去。

101. Do we need to bring anything?我们需要带什么东西吗?/—Just Bring your writing tools. 带上你的画具就行了。102. This book Isn't interesting at all. 这本书一点也没趣。/—Let's go to the library to find another. 我们去图书馆再找一本吧。103. Yes, sir. May I help you?先生,你有什么事要帮忙吗?/—I have a reservation for tonight. 我预订了一个今晚的房间。104. Is that lady a students? 那位女士是学生吗?/—No, she Isn't. 不,她不是。105. What's that? 那是什么?/—It's a pencil. 铅笔。106. Here's a picture of my niece. 这是我侄女的照片。/—What a cutie! 多可爱啊! 107. How was the movie?电影怎么样?/—I was moved.太让人感动了。108. How many people are in your family? 你们家有几口人?/—We are 7 in the family. 我们家有七个口人。 109. Who will be at the party? 谁会来参加聚会?/—It's secret. 这是秘密。110. I've got a terrible headache. 我头疼得厉害。/—Wait here, I'll get your medicine. 在这等一下,我去给你拿药。111. Let's take a break. 让我们休息一下。/—We will work on the job later. 我们稍后再工作。112. Do you get sick often?你经常生病吗?/—When I do not sleep well, my body gets sick. 当我没睡好的时候,我就会生病。113. We played soccer yesterday. 我们昨天踢了足球。/—How many friends played soccer? 有多少朋友踢足球?114. What seems to be the problem?你怎么啦?/—Well, I have a bad cough and a sore thrat. I also have a headache. 嗯,我咳嗽的厉害,嗓子疼。头也疼。115. Do you have some time?



