400字范文 > 关于新年的英语作文 关于新年的英语作文小学生

关于新年的英语作文 关于新年的英语作文小学生

时间:2022-03-05 22:52:38


关于新年的英语作文 关于新年的英语作文小学生

关于新年的英文译名。原先一直是Happy Chinese New Year!现在韩国跳出来说要译成happy lunar New Year !这种文化碰瓷行为还有人劝我们大度。对于这种人,我也劝他买张去巴西的飞机票,那里有个耶稣雕像,让耶稣走开,他站上去比较合适。韩国土地贫瘠,人员稀少,如何能够发展出伟大的文明?

我们中国就需要展现出一种态度,你要过的的中国年,向我们中国人祝贺新年就需要对我们说Happy Chinese New Year!你要过韩国年,祝贺韩国人的新年你就对韩国人说去happy lunar New Year !但是有一点需要做到,别来碍我们的眼,别来碰瓷!



The Chinese New Year is known as "Spring Festival" in English.

It is the most important traditional holiday in China and is celebrated at the turn of the lunar calendar, usually in late January or early February. It is a time for families to gather, for feasting and for exchanging gifts. People also participate in traditional activities such as lion and dragon dances, fireworks displays and visiting relatives and friends. It is also a time for people to take time off from work and school, and for businesses to close for an extended period. It is an important time of the year for Chinese culture, customs, and tradition.

The Spring Festival is also known for its rich symbolism and traditions. For example, red decorations and lanterns are commonly used to symbolize good luck, while fireworks are set off to scare away evil spirits. People also give red envelopes filled with money to children and unmarried adults as a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Additionally, many people clean their homes and decorate them with fresh flowers and plants to welcome in the new year, and prepare traditional foods to share with family and friends. Overall, the Spring Festival is a time for celebrating the new year, remembering the past and looking forward to the future with hope and optimism.

Another important aspect of the Spring Festival is the reunion dinner, or "Nian Ye Fan" (年夜饭), which is typically held on New Year's Eve. Family members gather together to share a big feast and celebrate the end of the old year and the beginning of the new one. The dinner often includes traditional Chinese dishes such as dumplings, fish, and glutinous rice cakes, as well as other foods that are considered auspicious or symbolize good luck.

Overall, the Spring Festival is a time of celebration, tradition, and family, and an important part of Chinese culture.

春节在英文表述为spring festival。

春节新年一般称为Chinese new year。

新年快乐即为happy Chinese new year。

对于其他表述happy lunar new year,以及其后包藏祸心的K字母开头的 new year,还有闭眼都能想到的文化起源争论,有点脑子的都不会觉得这只是简单的换文换意,事实上这已经形成了一整套很成熟的文化偷移系统,再铺以记忆篡改、历史虚无,以后说春节起源于西方都不为过。


Happy Lunar New Year!




学生时代学的春节英文翻译就是Lunar new year,写英语作文也是这么写的。毕竟农历就是中国的。

用英文称呼“春节”,国际通行有Lunar New Year和Chinese New Year两种用法!而且Lunar越来越盛行,甚至外国领导人给我们拜年都开始用Lunar New Year .

我觉得要解决这个问题啊,只能从我们中国人自己开始。从现在开始从民间到官府都坚持用Chinese New Year !

如果我们自己都不坚持用Chinese New Year,我们确实也没有理由指责别人不用!

#我在美国过年# #在头条看见彼此#

英文春节用Spring Festival最合适。即使美国人用Chinese new year也并不表示有什么尊敬。英文中ese的含有细小、猥琐、倭等轻蔑的意思。 Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese。就像我们有倭寇、小日子这个梗一样。他们更喜欢an这个发音,含有强壮、高大的意思。如罗马人、德国人、美国人 Roman,German,American。有Chinaman这个词,但因为康乾以后到解放前两百年国势大衰,含义就变为贬义了,变成了中国佬。这种后天附加上的贬义,主要是反感之意。就像我们说德国佬、俄国佬、美国佬、鬼佬。英文里头没有敬语,但是Chinese这个词绝对不平等,这个贬义是原生的贬义。

把春节称为lunar new year,是不正确的。春节是农历,不是阴历。而且三十、初一都没有月亮。这是一种对中华影响力的棒杀。

另外,今后把春节再称为Chinese New Year也不合适。这种固步自封的做法,实际上是对我们中华影响力的捧杀。是有害的,还有点蠢。

朝鲜人、韩国人,越南人,一直都过春节。现在一些东南亚国家也开始过春节了。我们的格局要放得更远大一些,中华的文明一定要冲出亚洲。要多做一些有利于春节国际化的事,不要强调我们国家的专属性。春节的英文应该是Spring Festival。





