400字范文 > 我和中国|在中国 我看到更好的未来

我和中国|在中国 我看到更好的未来

时间:2022-05-29 13:21:43


我和中国|在中国 我看到更好的未来



The streets of the megacity of Beijing are bustling with activities. Today, not only traditional petrol-engined cars but also electric vehicles of all kinds ply the roads here. In the endless traffic stream you can spot Hartmut Lüning. The 66-year-old German has personally witnessed China‘s changes in traffic that have taken place in the everyday life of the Chinese.

China has already succeeded in bringing a workable version of electric transportation onto the road.



Like many people in the capital, Hartmut Lüning commutes to work by an electric car. For the short distance to the office his agile electric car makes the ride quite convenient.


Even in 1995, when Lüning first came to Beijing the metropolis fascinated him right away. As an experienced radio editor he worked for the German department of China Radio International for a long time. Today, he works as a language consultant for Compilation and Translation Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. For him, the great changes that have taken place in Beijing over the years are particularly visible on the streets.


When I was working for China Radio International, I was pretty much the only one who had a private car. Here is a picture of me with my bicycle. Back in 1995, there were many bicycles in Beijing and relatively few cars, and of those very few were private cars. In those days, I drove around the country as far as I could.


Of course, that was considered something of an undertaking at the time. Back then, this highway network that exists now was not there yet. This means that if you wanted to drive from Beijing to the seaside resort Beidaihe, it didn take just three hours on the motorway like today but nine hours on a country road.

吕宁说, 绿色出行方式比如共享单车、电动摩托车、电动汽车,这对于改善北京的空气质量而言功不可没,与上世纪90年代相比,北京在环保方面已经取得了巨大的成就。

Green means of transport such as sharing bikes, e-scooters, and electric cars have also helped to further improve the air quality in Beijing, says Lüning. Compared to the 1990s, much has changed in the metropolis in terms of environmental protection, he says.


There are lots of rental bikes sometimes even electric ones. These here are purely mechanical ones. Here you can pay to use them, then you open the lock and bring them back after you use them. It works perfectly.


Personally as well, the 66-year-old German has found happiness in China. Together with his Chinese wife Yu Yuemei, Hartmut Lüning has made himself at home in his Beijing apartment. He has sold his property in Germany. For him, the inter-cultural relationship based on love is an example of the integration of life.


Our relationship is a good synthesis, and it is a doable one.


Like most locals, the Chinese-German couple also enjoys the advantages of the Internet age in everyday life. This is made possible by smartphones and a well-developed digital infrastructure. Even fresh organic vegetables Hartmut Lüning gets right on his doorstep in Beijing.


I don necessarily have to take one of my electric cars on Saturdays or drive somewhere to the supermarket with a small cart to do the weekly shopping. You can have it delivered to your home. Goods are brought directly to the apartment door through delivery services without any high surcharge. It’s just perfect.


Organic food! The machine is restocked once or twice a day. A small electric car comes from an organic wholesaler and they refill it. All you need is your smartphone. You have to hold it here and the payment is done. Very convenient!


With his temperament, the cosmopolitan Rhinelander opens doors and hearts in his new adopted hometown Beijing. He wants to continue to accompany China and the Chinese on their path of reform and opening-up. The great changes and innovations in the everyday life of the Chinese as the German knows are the result of the ongoing reform and opening-up process which China has courageously pushed forward in the past decades.

至少在过去的35-40年间,中国出现了一个持续学习的过程。我想这个过程才刚刚开始,还会继续下去 ,而且在我看来,中国的发展创造了新的可能性。

At least over the past 35 to 40 years, a very continuous learning process has taken place in China. This process has only just begun, I think. It will continue and I believe that it will create new opportunities.
