400字范文 > 小学生英语优秀作文集锦:Asking for help请求帮助

小学生英语优秀作文集锦:Asking for help请求帮助

时间:2021-12-22 13:05:28


小学生英语优秀作文集锦:Asking for help请求帮助

W: Not bad. Could you do me a favor[1]? Ive been trying to call my Mom and Dad for almost an hour, but the line is always busy. Nobody else could have been talking with them on the phone for so long. They must have hung up[2] the phone improperly. Could you possibly go there in order to let them know that? M: OK. No problem. W: Thanks a lot, Uncle John, M: You e welcome. 请求帮助 玛丽给约翰打电话,请他给她的父母传个信。 W: 嗨,约翰叔叔,我是玛丽。 M: 玛丽,真让人惊讶呀!你在中国过得怎么样?还不错。能麻烦您帮我一个忙吗?我给我爸妈打电话都打了一个小时了,但是一直占线。别人不可能和他们在电话上说这么长时间的。他们肯定没把电话挂好。能麻烦您去那儿提醒他们一下吗? M: 好的。没问题。 W: 多谢,约翰叔叔。 M: 不用客气。
