400字范文 > 初三英语作文:关于五一劳动节期间的英语范文


时间:2023-06-01 00:01:46



During the May 1st Labor Day vacation I spent my time productively. First I had to get my schoolwork out of the way. I separated all the assignments by subject and began working on them. One by one I completed those assignments and checked over them. After a few hours of hard work I finally finished. Time to have some fun! I quickly grabbed my football and began running towards the door. On my way out I saw my parents hard at work with spring cleaning. Even though I really wanted to relax and go play I decided to help my parents out instead. First I helped my father clean the windows. Theres a lot of dirt flying around outside so it took a lot work to make the windows spotless. Afterwards I went and helped my mom with the floor by bring buckets of water back and forth for her mop. Time goes by fast when you e busy at work and soon we found ourselves looking at a clean and beautiful home. We were very proud of the work we had done and thats a great feeling to discover on this Labor Day.
