400字范文 > 初三英语作文: 写给灾区儿童的一封信

初三英语作文: 写给灾区儿童的一封信

时间:2023-12-03 18:12:16


初三英语作文: 写给灾区儿童的一封信

I feel so sorry for your loss, maybe yesterday you re leading a happy life, but this unexpected terrible disaster destoryed all, no one would like that coming. But don t let the earthquake ruin your life and take your sunshine away! I hope you overcome the pain in a short time and get back to school with all your classmates. Hope you always feel be loved and protected, you must believe that there is a lot of nice people in our society and they re all willing to help if you met any difficulties. I believe you are strong in mind. Life is hard, try to turn this memory into consistant power. No matter what happens, as long as we are together, we will never ever ever ever give up!There is always hope and love!
