400字范文 > 去生活 life for living英语短句 例句大全

去生活 life for living英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-06 03:31:02


去生活 life for living英语短句 例句大全

去生活,life for living

1)life for living去生活

1."protection"meanslife for living in modern educational environment and it is different from traditional educational viewpoint and everyday life environment.与传统教育观念和日常生活场景所指不同的是,在现代教育场景中"保护"意味着让儿童"去生活"。


1."We shall live as the Kikuyu were meant to live."“我们要按照吉库尤人本应该生活的方式,去生活。”

2.Recalling his past life, he said, "our life today is as different from the past as heaven is from the earth."在回顾过去生活时,他说:“我们今天的生活和过去真是天壤之别”。

3.full of pep and running around like a puppy生龙活虎般跑来跑去.

4.a viable newborn child一个能活下去的新生儿

5.look back on one"s childhood,past, life回顾童年、 过去、 生活.

6.The charm of life was gone;美好的生活一去不复返,

7.In the old days they led a miserable existence.过去,他们生活困苦。

8.live [die] in penury在贫困中生活 [死去]

9.Others get angry and push back.而另一些人则听任生活的摆布,不去与生活抗争。

10.It was a case of live, now, making the best you can out of a very commonplace station in life.现在的问题只是生活下去,在十分平凡的生活中,尽量享受生活。

11.Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.感谢生活吧,因为它带给你机会去爱,去工作,去享受和去欣赏星空。

12.The rain also raised the water level of Zhujiang that led to dinginess to the Li Wan Lake.活泼的鱼儿失去了生命,澄清的湖水失去了明净。

13.The grand essential in the life is something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.生活的本质就在于有事去做,有人去爱,有事期待。

14.Most people would simply have continued their lives.大多数人会照样生活下去。

15.Don"t worry, I"ll get along without her别担心,没有她我也能对付(生活)下去。

16.There can be no doubt that our life is much better than before.毫无疑问,我们生活比过去好多了。

17.Living conditions there are not bad.那里的生活条件还过得去。

18.He spoke frankly about his past life.他坦率地讲述了他过去的生活.



3)He used to live in want.他过去生活困苦。

4)Let him live on.让他生活下去。

5)Removing putrid tissues and prometing the growth of new tissues activity dressing去腐生肌活性敷料

6)deprived of life; no longer living.失去了生命;不再活着。


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