400字范文 > 大眼幼体 megalopa英语短句 例句大全

大眼幼体 megalopa英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-02 03:49:41


大眼幼体 megalopa英语短句 例句大全



1.Effcets of diets on growth and development ofmegalopa of mud crab Scylla serrata;饵料对锯缘青蟹大眼幼体生长发育的影响

2.The zoea andmegalopa of Portunus trituberculatus in the South Sea of China was artificially reared.幼体期Z1和Z2投喂扁藻和轮虫,Z2后期开始以轮虫和卤虫无节幼体混合投喂,Z3后用卤虫无节幼体投喂,大眼幼体用不同饵料培育,进行南海海域三疣梭子蟹幼体培育,结果表明:溞状幼体平均成活率为15。

3.Molting processes of Chinese mitten crab(Eriocheir sinensis)megalopa and juveniles were observed under different environmental conditions during March to May,.试验结果表明,黑暗条件下大眼幼体蜕壳数量少、成活率低;光照可刺激并促进大眼幼体的蜕壳与生长,但长时间光照会影响Ⅰ期到Ⅳ期幼蟹的蜕壳生长;泥土和隐蔽物作为栖息环境有利于提高中华绒螯蟹幼体的成活率;苗种质量是提高中华绒螯蟹大眼幼体到Ⅳ期幼蟹成活率的关键。


1.Shelter Preference of Megalopae and First Juvenile of Mud Crab,Scylla paramamosain(Estampador,1949)拟穴青蟹大眼幼体和第Ⅰ期仔蟹对隐蔽物的选择

2.Study on the substratum preference of the mud crab,Scylla paramamosain,in stage of megalopa and first juvenile拟穴青蟹大眼幼体和第Ⅰ期仔蟹底质选择的研究

3.Effects of CRF Blocker on Neonatal Rat REM Sleep and Brain Content of ACh;CRF R1受体阻断剂对幼年大鼠快眼动睡眠及脑内ACh的影响

4.very large yellowish-brown American silkworm moth with large eyespots on hind wings; larvae feed on fruit and shade trees.体型非常大的黄褐色美洲蚕蛾,每只后翅上有象大眼斑;幼虫吃果树和遮荫树。

5.Old World star of Bethlehem having edible young shoots.旧大陆的一种虎眼万年青,具有可食的幼苗。

6.Studies on Oviduct Structure Development of Compound Eyes in the Embryonic and Larval Stages in Macrobrachium Nipponense;日本沼虾输卵管结构及胚胎和幼体复眼发育的研究

7.Clinical observation of press-on spherical lens on correction of aphakic eyes after congenital cataract压贴球镜矫正婴幼儿先天性白内障术后无晶状体眼的疗效观察

8.Effect of soil aggregate size on emergence and seedling growth of soybean [Glycine max(L.) Merr.]土壤团聚体大小对大豆出苗和幼苗生长的影响

9.large brightly colored and usually tropical moth; larvae spin silken cocoons.通常在热带的体色鲜艳的大蛾子;幼虫吐丝结茧。

10.large Asiatic moth introduced into the United States; larvae feed on the ailanthus.体大的亚洲蛾子,引殖入美国;幼虫吃臭椿。

11.Effect of Bee Larva on Lipid Peroxidation in Rats蜜蜂幼虫对大鼠机体脂质过氧化作用的影响

12.Fry are robust and of a fairly large size.幼鱼生下来就精力充沛,个体尺寸也比较大。

13.A Preliminary Study On The Size-distinguishing Ability Of Infants婴幼儿判别物体大小能力发展的初步研究

14.The investigation and study on the physique present situation of the 3-6 years old infants in Dalian;大连市3-6岁幼儿体质现状的调查与研究

15.A study on how to build infant Art Gymnastics teaching program;关于建立幼儿(4-6岁)艺术体操教学大纲的探讨

16.Practise to Carry out “Popular Syllabus on GymnasticsBand”in Preschool Children;《普及体操等级大纲》在幼儿中试行的探讨

17.Study of Immature Embryo in vitro Culture in Reciprocal Cross Hybrid Between Commom Wheat and Cultvate Barley小麦与大麦正反交杂种幼胚离体培养效果研究

18.Effects of temperature,body weight and diurnal rhythm on metabolism of Scophthalmus maximus温度、体重和昼夜节律对大菱鲆幼鱼代谢的影响



1.Study on Relationship Between Cannibalism and Resource Availability/Starvation of Mud Crab,Scylla paramamosainMegalopae;拟穴青蟹大眼幼体相残与资源可获得性和饥饿关系的研究

2.Megalopae morphological differentiation of Eriocheir sinensis and some crabs of the family;中华绒螯蟹和同科几种大眼幼体的形态区别

3.Effects of different dietary,densities and substrata on metamorphosis rate and cannibalistic rate from protozoea 1 (PZ1) to postlarvae 1(PL1) stages of Scylla serrata megalopae were studied in two separate experiments.实验观察了不同饵料、池底、密度对锯缘青蟹大眼幼体蜕皮变态率和残杀率的影响。

3)Eriocheir sinensis megalopa中华绒螯蟹大眼幼体

4)nauplius eye无节幼体眼

5)Walleye larvae大眼狮鲈幼鱼

6)eretmocaris stage长眼柄幼体期


